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 Contact LAM at

The LAM Program shifts the parents' perception from fixing to supporting the child with special needs.


  • Are you a parent who is exhausted from taking your child to endless therapy sessions and getting minimal results?


  • Are you stressed out by your child’s negative behaviors?


  • Does your family life seem chaotic?


  • Do you feel like you are always engaged in a battle with your child’s school district?


The LAM Program for Parents

The LAM Program offers you a

parent toolbox so that you will:


  • Connect joyfully with your child.

  • Be supportive and less reactive during meltdowns.

  • Use practical everyday successful strategies.

  • Gain confidence to use the LAM Program effectively with your child.



Use of language increased for requesting without prompts and dramatic improvement in independence with use of bathroom. Great program. 


-Betty D- son aged 8, diagnosed with Down Syndrome



Thank you so much!! We can’t believe the change in him!! The change is remarkable. For the first time in a long time. I am able to hug and kiss my beloved grandchild. There are no words or price that can ever express such deep gratitude to you both…there is a special place for you and Lois in heaven. 


​Paternal Grandmother, child age 7 diagnosed with ADHD



Adrienne Murphy and Lois Mettler have given parents and caregivers a genuine gift with the writing of "Can You See The Rainbow? The LAM Program: Creating Limitless Possibilities For Children With Special Needs".  They speak with wisdom from years of experience, compassion and understanding as parents, and sincerity as practitioners that serve those with special needs.  I am proud to know them as individuals and as colleagues.  I am inspired by the way they have taken the intellect they possess as clinicians and embraced the need to practice more positive approaches to human interaction.  LAM reminds parents to lovingly accept children for who they are and to celebrate the way they are designed.  At times, some need permission to embrace uniqueness, live in the moment, and share those blessings with others. "


-Sarah Melone, P.T.

Founder / President - MarbleJam Kids®



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